

segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2013

Enfeite para porta de maternidade ou quarto (ursinha)com molde fácil

Fonte:  Eva Encantado

sexta-feira, 3 de maio de 2013

Dia das mães cartão sofisticado

Para os maiores...
Este cartão é mais sofisticado e exige habilidade manual.

Em postagens anteriores, coloquei lembrancinhas e cartões bem simples.

Não traduzi , pois o passo-a-passo está bem explicado.Bjs!


Cartão fechado

Cartão aberto

I got the basic layout from This Card over on SplitcoastStampers. Isn't this such a great idea?!

What a neat way to showcase some great DSPs! In fact, Stampin' Up! is having a sale on Double Sided Papers, as well as Textured Cardstock, this month! When you buy 3 packages of DSP or Textured CS, you get one for FREE!!! You can mix and match and there is no limit to the number of packages you can get for Free! If you are interested in seeing more, just click HERE and visit my Stampin' Up! website. You can click on the Shop Now button at the top of the homepage and shop 24/7. Don't miss out on this fantastic deal!

After I made this card, I realized that it was too big to fit in a standard card envelope. So in the future I would modify the measurements to create a bit of a smaller card. As it is, it worked out for me. Because I was mailing the card to my mother, I wanted to use some padding around my card to make sure it didn't get crushed in the process of mailing. So I used a larger envelope and wrapped the card in some thin bubble wrap. (I love that stuff! I had such a hard time not popping the bubbles before I sent it off in the mail!! lol)

You can find some basic instructions under the comments on the card in the link. However, I have made up some that are a little more detailed, just in case any of you are like me and you need more instruction. Woo Hoo, my first official tutorial! Bear with me. :)

You will start with a piece of cardstock that is 6" x 12". Here I used a textured cardstock in Certainly Celery, but in the card above I used Kiwi Kiss Textured Cardstock.

Using the scoring blade, score at 2", 4", 8" and 10".

(in my pictures you will see an extra score line in the middle. Just ignore that, I got a little score happy!!)

Replace the score blade with the cutting blade. Turn the cardstock and place the left edge on the 1 1/2 " mark (on the silver part of the base). Now put arrow of the orange blade thingy at the 2" mark on the plastic ruler guide and cut the cardstock from the 2" mark down to the 10" mark. The pictures are blurry, but I hope you can see what I mean.

Now repeat this step for the other long side. And you should have a piece that looks something like this:

Now you are ready for the folding. First, fold the far left panel to the back and the far tight panel to the front.

Next you will work with your 4" set of score lines. (we are working left to right, and you have already folded the 2" and the 10"lines) Fold the top and bottom score lines in valley folds and the larger middle line in a mountain fold. Then move onto the 8" score lines and fold them in the opposite direction. ie, fold the top and bottom lines in mountain folds and the larger middle line in a valley fold. After you have folded them all you should have something that looks like this:

Now you are ready to carefully fold it all together and really crease the score lines. When you have it nice and creased you are ready to decorate. 

And just because I love y'all so much, I am even going to give you the dimensions of the panels that I made to decorate the card. (I did vary from this a little for my middle 3 panels)
The Left and Right Vertical Panels are 1 1/2 x 5 1/2 and 1 x 5 layered.
The 4 small rectangles are 1 x 1 1/2
The 2 long rectangles are 1 x 3 1/2
The Left and Right Middle Panels are 2 1/2 x 3 and 2 1/4 x 2 3/4 layered
The Middle Panel is 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 and 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 layered

I used the Bella Toile DSP and Rose Red, Chocolate Chip, Whisper White Cardstock, and the Kiwi Kiss Textured Cardstock. Heartfelt Thanks and All Holidays Stamp Sets. Chocolate Chip, Rose Red and Kiwi Kiss Ink. The Bigshot with the Birds and Blooms dies for the flowers. Hodgepodge Hardware for the silver brads and slide. White Satin and Chocolate Grosgrain Ribbons.


Dia das Mães broche de flor em tecido

Broche em feltro, fácil de fazer para presentear a mamãe

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ultra EASY Felt Flower Tutorial

I have a few cute sweaters that just needed a little
So for the Christmas season,
I made a couple Super SIMPLE felt flowers that
you can make in about 10 minutes for about 50 cents.
First, free cut about 12-15 small circles
(about 2" in diameter).
Then cut ONE bigger circle
(about 3" in diameter).
Take your hot glue gun
and glue a small amount in the middle of
EACH small flower,
pinching it in the middle to adhere the felt together.
The circles should look like the ones shown below.

So you will have every small circle glued in the center,
and the BIG circle as is.
Next, begin to hot glue a small amount around
the edge of the larger circle,
placing each smaller (scrunched) circle down.
You will glue each scrunched circle
along the entire edge of the larger circle.
Then you will continue to glue in the center of the larger circle,
until the entire large circle is filled.
Start on the outer edges and work your way into the center...Once completed, your flower should look like this.
You may have to trim the edge of the flower
so that it is even.
Once you are done with that,
hot glue a pin (that you can buy from Michaels or a craft store).
Then glue a small piece of felt over the pin's base,
leaving the pin on top.
This will secure the felt onto the pin's base.

Then find a plain 'ol sweater and place accordingly...
you choose where you need a little spice.
These pins look great on a
or even to a purse!

Dia das mães flor em tecido

Flor em feltro, que pode ser aplicada numa base para broche. Não traduzi, pois o tutorial é auto explicativo.Bjs!

DIY Mother's Day Corsage: Felt Dahlia Flower Brooch

felt dahlia brooch
This Mother's Day, make something beautiful for Mom. Credit: Megan Reardon
Wondering about what to make Mom for Mother's Day? I've been thinking about traditional gifts like flower corsages and lockets, and I decided to combine the two. This felt dahlia pin has a secret pocket in the back that can hold a picture or message for your favorite mom. 

You'll need:
- scissors
- Fabri-tac adhesive
- two sheets craft felt, one for the flower and one in a contrasting color for the back
- needle and thread
- brooch pin (available in the beading section of craft stores)
- a bit of thin cardboard (a cereal box from your recycling bin will be perfect for this)

dahlia felt brooch
Credit: Megan Reardon

Also helpful, if you have them:
- pinking sheers
- a rotary cutter, mat and ruler
- a sewing machine

dahlia felt brooch
Credit: Megan Reardon
We'll be cutting out a bunch individual petals, and above I show what I think is the most efficient way to divide up your sheet of felt. First cut a 3.25 inch diameter circle from your flower color felt. (Do this first to make sure you don't leave yourself too small a scrap at the end.) Then cut three 1.5 inch strips, two 1.25 inch strips and one 1 inch strip of felt. In the contrasting color (here, the green), cut a 2 inch diameter circle and a 1.25 inch square. Cut a small indent into the square. 

Finally, cut a 2 inch diameter circle from your cardboard.
felt dahlia brooch
Credit: Megan Reardon
Now cut your flower color strips into 1.5, 1.25 and 1 inch squares respectively. If you need more petals you can use the bit of leftover felt to cut more squares. I ended up needing fifteen 1.5 inch petals, thirteen 1.25 inch petals and nine 1 inch petals, you might find you need more or fewer to fill in the flower. To form the petals cut each square into a rounded petal shape, with a wide base and a pointed tip as shown above. Put dots of glue in the lower corners and fold each side over so that they meet in the middle.
felt dahlia brooch
Credit:: Megan Reardon
This is the most frustrating part of the project -- the glue can take a while to set and if you don't hold the petal shapes in place they will pop open. I found this to be true for both the wool felt and the polyester felt I tested. I made a few versions using felt from various sources and found the higher quality wool felt to be a bit thicker, which meant that it took longer to set, but the colors were richer so I was willing to wait. I used a heavy stainless steel skillet to hold my folded petals down while they dried, as shown above. Luckily, the Fabri-tac adhesive won't bond to the metal of the skillet, so you don't have to worry about petals stuck to your pan.

felt dahlia brooch
Credit: Megan Reardon
While the petals are setting you can prepare the back of the flower. Glue the cardboard circle to the center of the 3.25 inch flower color felt circle. Then dab glue on the overhanging part of the felt and fold it over the edges of the cardboard, wrapping it around to the back. You might need to put a saucepan on top to weigh it down while it sets. This will be the base for the petals, and the folded edges on the back will be covered by your contrasting felt circle at the very end.

Now grab your contrasting felt square and circle. Position the square at the bottom of the circle and stitch it around three sides to make a small pocket that opens to the side, leaving enough room at the top of the circle to attach the pin. You can put a few small dabs of glue on the pin before you hand stitch it into place at the top of the circle. I used contrasting thread that matched my flower, but you can use whatever thread color you'd like.

felt dahlia brooch
Credit: Megan Reardon
When the petals are set, it's time to glue them to the flower color base. Glue the 1.5 inch petals around the edge of the base, positioning them in about 1/4 inch. As you work be sure to snug the base of the petals as close together side by side as you can; the more you can fit on the base, the more dramatic the results. Next, glue a row of the 1.25 inch petals about 1/4 inch further in towards the center of your pin. Do the same with the 1 inch petals, leaving about a 1 inch circle in the middle.

felt dahlia brooch
Credit: Megan Reardon
To finish the center of the flower cut a 1 inch circle from the remaining flower color felt using the pinking sheers, or cut a wavy edge with scissors. Also use the pinking sheers to cut a thin strip from the felt; you can cut two strips if you think you'll need them. Glue down the small circle in the center of your flower to cover the ends of the smallest petals. Then curl the thin strip into a tight spiral and glue that to the very center.

dahlia felt brooch
Credit: Megan Reardon
All that is left to do is to glue the contrasting colored backing to the back of the flower, covering the back of the cardboard, and find a picture -- or write a little note -- small enough to slip into the secret pocket. Then wrap it up and present it to Mom!

dahlia flower brooch
Credit: Megan Reardon
Crafty genius Megan Reardon lives in Seattle with her husband Scott and a clover plant, which she might have killed last week. You can find more of her DIY projects at her blog, Not Martha